Stuff South Africa

Afrihost gives its capped DSL users 18 hours of uncapped “free-time” a day

afrihost-free-timeWait, what? 18 hours a day of free internet? Yip, you read that right. Afrihost has introduced a new service called Free-Time that gives those users with capped DSL packages free, uncapped connectivity between midnight and 18:00 each day. So only their browsing, downloads, streaming or other data usage between 18:00 and midnight each day will count against their data allocation.

“Doing this makes me a bit scared,” says CEO Gian Visser in a mail to Afrihost customers explaining the new service that went out this morning. “Actually more than a bit. But whenever I’m scared about something we’re doing it means that our clients are absolutely loving it!”

Free-Time applies to any of Afrihost’s capped data or capped data bundle packages whether you’re an existing client or the prospect of daytime binge ShowMaxing has you scrambling to sign up. Your account will need to be in good standing, meaning a positive data balance and an active (not paused — because you can do that on Afrihost — account). Run out of cap? You’ll need to top up or be an Afrihost Plus+ subscribe who gets soft capped to keep browsing.

Check out the eligible capped DSL packages here, and the applicable capped DSL bundles here.

In both an effort to encourage the indecisive to act, and to cover its posterior, Visser adds the following caveat: “We reserve the right to stop offering Free-Time to new signups at any time if we see or project that our network is getting close to being congested and slow. Or if we come to our senses. Or for any other reason.”

That said, any new signups will be guaranteed the service will run until at least the end of November. “At the end of November we’ll then review the offer and decide whether to extend it, change it in some way or stop it,” Visser says.

Want Free-Time (and to kiss your free time goodbye)? Click here.

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