Stuff South Africa

We had five GPS Log Books and now these five people do

What on Earth were we doing? Oh, that’s right, we were going to help you get one up on SARS by giving away a new GPS Log Book each to five lucky winners. It seems like only yesterday that we announced that giveaway and it’s been at least… three days since the announcement. Unless we’re completely missing something.

The GPS Log Book is a little device that can be attached to your car in order to track your distance travelled, automatically, without the need for constant reference to a pen and paper and, later, an Excel spreadsheet. Sometimes you just wanna sleep, you know? Also, it’s a handy way to discover that your teenaged son has been ‘borrowing’ the car when no-one was looking. Ah, if only my folks had had one of those years ago…. Anyway.

GPS Logbook - Car 1 MBBefore we get into that fun stuff, though, we have all of the usual legalities to get out of the way. You can find most of our competition info on the Terms and Conditions page but there are a couple of items we like to get out of the way here. This is how the whole thing goes down every month: Winner’s names are drawn randomly by a computer. Once the name has been drawn, the entry is examined by a human to see whether the question has been answered correctly and if it hasn’t been the draw is discarded and a new winner is drawn. That’s it. Unless you work for Stuff Magazine in one way or another, in which case you were disqualified before you even started.

All right, then. Time for the main event. Our winners are:

Jeandre Du Plessis
Liesel Gordon
Michael Arch
Lisha Hariparshad
Sharle Kruger

Congrats to all of our winners. Expect an email asking you to confirm your details soon. If your name wasn’t called then there’s always next time. And next time starts pretty soon. We do have a new giveaway starting very shortly so keep your eyes peeled. Not literally though, that would be gross.

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