Stuff South Africa

The second BrydgeAir Keyboard for iPad Air/iPad Air 2 goes to…

And then there were none. Far from just being an Agatha Christie novel (look it up, kids), it’s also the situation today as we give away our final BrydgeAir keyboard to one lucky winner. Except with less death and mystery. Seriously, look up the novel.

While you’re doing that, we’re going to be doing the BrydgeAir Keyboard for iPad Air and iPad Air 2 competition draw. Wanna race? See, that was fast. But first…

BrydgeAir (1)

As is custom, we have a couple of legal things to get out of the way. This is how the whole thing goes down every month: Winner’s names are drawn randomly by a computer that has been fed everyone’s names and has decided which one tastes the best. Once the name has been drawn, the entry is examined to see whether the question has been answered correctly and, if it hasn’t been, the draw is discarded and a new winner is drawn. That’s it. Unless you work for Stuff Magazine in one way or another, in which case you were disqualified before you even started.

And your winner is… Helen Lok.

Congrats to Helen, who can expect to find an email in her inbox soon. As for the rest of you: don’t despair. We’ve still got two more competitions on, for the Brother ScanNCut and for the Sphero BB-8, for you to enter. Winners for those will be announced before Stuff goes away for year-end.

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