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The Star Trek-inspired Genie will turn pods into pudding in less than a minute

An Israeli company has invented Genie, a device inspired by Star Trek‘s Replicator which turns pods of dehydrated powder into “delicious meals” instantly.

It’s controlled by a companion app which lets you select the pod you’ve just inserted into the machine, so it can make adjustments to ensure it’s prepared with the best results in mind.

The Genie is capable of prepping a variety of meals, from chicken and rice, to cous cous and vegetables, and even ramen or chocolate soufflé. Yummy.

It uses natural ingredients and no preservatives, making for healthier eating (although the thought of its powdered state is still a little unappetising), and each pod has a shelf life of around two years.

To create a meal, you just need to add some water to (as you would with a regular coffee machine), press a button, and hey presto – you can pass yourself off as the next Jamie Oliver.

If you have any allergies to gluten, dairy or egg, you can let the app know and it’ll ensure your meal is as uneventful and as pleasant as possible

The Genie is expected to go on sale sometime in 2016 and will cost “a few hundred dollars”. If it delivers, then the idea of cooking healthy meals with minimal effort has us very interested indeed

Source: via CNET

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