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Sony adds 3D Blu-ray support for the PS4

PS4 ConsoleOwners of the PlayStation 4 should be happy to find out that Sony has added 3D Blu-ray support for their very successful next-gen console with the 1.75 software update that went live yesterday.

Although it took some time for what feels like should have been an early addition, if not a launch feature, the support is a welcome addition to the PS4’s repertoire of features.

The delay is probably due to most TV manufacturers moving away from 3D, and towards the greener (and much more detailed) pastures that 4K is promising to be.

Either way, owners can now at least bask in 3D splendour whilst we all wait for some new PS4 game titles to hit the shelves something which should be happening pretty darned soon now.

Source: The Verge

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