Stuff South Africa

Twitter reported to be testing a WhatsApp share function

Twitter might be testing a way to extend its influence to Facebook-owned WhatsApp, if screenshots that have been appearing from users are accurate. The Next Web reports that Twitter has been noted as testing WhatsApp cross-posting within its Android app, basing the report on screenshots that have been cropping up online.

Most of these images seem to originate in India and they show a dedicated button for posting a Twitter status to WhatsApp, something that would make a lot of sense for the company. India is one of the fastest growing markets for the Facebook-backed messaging app so testing out such a feature there first would give Twitter a pretty good idea of how it would do elsewhere in the world.

Twitter WhatsApp

At the moment though, Twitter has declined to comment on the possibility of WhatsApp integration being tested. If they are, in fact, looking to make this a thing, South Africa is another market that has potential for being a testing ground so keep your eyes peeled to see if the option suddenly appears in your Twitter Android app. We’ll have more on this as it becomes available.

Source: The Next Web

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