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Stuff goes monthly from May

From May, Stuff is going monthly.
There’s a lot of excitement here at Stuff Towers, as I hope there is in your household. Our website is much enlivened ( where you can expect to see all the breaking news and other reviews, and, yes, we have an app coming (several in fact).
We’re publishing Stuff 11 times a year (covering December-January), although this year will be only 10 issues because of the four months at the beginning of the year when we were still bi-monthly.
I’ve explained these technicalities because no other reader of any other publication I’ve ever worked on in the past 20 years is as eagle-eyed as a Stuff reader.
I like that.
Firstly, it keeps us on our toes (the printing gremlins creep in despite our vigilance) and secondly, it means you’ve spotted it and hold us to a high standard by letting me know. Yes, I read all the letters that come into Stuff, via email, SMS, on Facebook and via Twitter.
When it reads “letter to the editor” that’s what it means.
And I personally like that people care. Because we care here at Stuff Towers. It’s our job to distill and curate the most important information in the world in the easy-to-read style we do with Stuff. We take that responsibility very seriously. And we’re conscious that the world is more than just gadgets. We live in a hyper-connected, always-on mobile world where a smartphone is more powerful than the Nasa computers used to land on the moon 40 years ago. We’re planned a redesign of the magazine in the next few months to update its look-and-feel as much as we are updating the kinds of stories and features we will carry.
We live in what the industry likes to call an ecosystem. Between them, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, BlackBerry and others have created their own walled gardens of devices, operating systems, the apps that run on them and all the accessories that go with them.
Stuff is evolving with the world we cover and you’ll be seeing more of those changes in the coming months, just as you’ll be seeing more issues of Stuff every month.

Stay in touch
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And, if you want to pop us a letter, email us on

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