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USA gets mobile share data in near real-time

The mobile usage share war between Android, iOS and everyone else is a constant feature of tech news and residents of the States (and the rest of the world) have now got a go-to place for up-to-date stats in the form of Chitika, a data analytics firm.

The firm has launched a new site that keeps track of mobile dominance and updates it almost in real time. There is a six hour delay for the rolling stats, which are charted over the preceding 24 hours. The site doesn’t rely on sales figures to come to its totals, relying instead on “an analysis of the unique impressions seen originating from mobile devices within the Chitika Ad network and determined the share of these impressions represented by each respective operating system by analyzing the user agent of each device.”

Chitika’s new site is fantastic for determining which devices are in use at the moment but not so great at spotting sales trends. At the moment the pie chart generated is also tracking iPad and Android tablet usage, giving Apple a bit of a leg up in the stats. At the time of writing iOS had 72.382% of usage tied up with Android accounting for 24.243%. The remaining 4.357% was taken up by other devices.

Source: AllThingsD

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