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Want more eyeballs on your marketing emails? Here are 5 ideas to try


Image:talha khalil from Pixabay

Email marketing is a cost-effective way for businesses to get their messaging out there and spread the word about sales, specials, and products. It works, too: says it returns up to $36 per $1 spent, or roughly R675 for every R19 spent.

But not every business knows how to go about making emails deliver those kinds of results, so it can be quite handy to have a bit of outside help to guide them in the right direction.

And that’s what we’re hoping to do with the following five tips that can help any business with their email marketing. There are plenty of other things for you to try, but even if these five are the only things you implement in future campaigns, we’re confident you’ll see better results than you had before.

On to the tips!

Write effective subject lines

The subject line is your email’s first impression, and an eye-catching subject is often the difference between being ignored and your audience actually opening the mail. And because virtually every business uses email, people receive countless emails daily, so a compelling subject line is essential if you hope to stand out.

Here’s how to craft attention-grabbing subject lines:

Optimise your CTAs

Effective email marketing lives or dies with compelling Calls to Action (CTAs) – the words you use to inspire the reader to click on things in your email. And again, because the competition for your reader’s attention is relentless, your CTAs must stand out.

To be the one to grab that attention, here are some best practices to follow:

Clean your email list

A clean and well-maintained email list is essential if you want your email marketing campaigns to be successful. A bloated list full of inactive or incorrect email addresses can hurt your deliverability and sender reputation.

To keep your list in good shape:

Send more targeted marketing content

When it comes to marketing emails, one size most definitely does not fit all. Segmenting your email list allows you to tailor your content to specific audience segments, increasing relevance and engagement.

Consider segmenting based on:

Re-engage active subscribers

Don’t forget about people who have already engaged with you. Re-engaging active subscribers can be just as important as acquiring new ones.

Here are some strategies to rekindle their interest:

Email marketing is one of the most potent tools businesses can use to connect with their audience. By crafting effective subject lines, optimising CTAs, maintaining a clean email list, using segmentation, and re-engaging active subscribers, any business can use email marketing to find new customers and drive sales.

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