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Great places for online learning

Online Learning

In today’s digital age, physical classrooms and lecture halls are no longer necessary for learning. Online learning platforms have revolutionised education with video lectures and interactive sessions, empowering people to learn and acquire new knowledge from the comfort of their homes.

Whether you’re interested in single lectures, a specialised series, or even full graduate-level degrees from prestigious universities, many websites offer on-demand online classes that cater to a wide range of interests. You’re bound to find something of interest.

For tech and business enthusiasts, the following online learning destinations offer a lot to like.

LinkedIn Learning



LinkedIn Learning, affiliated with Microsoft’s professional networking platform, focuses on developing professional skills and offers over 16,000 courses. With interactive features like quizzes and exercise files, learners are encouraged to showcase their newfound expertise. The platform’s content is professionally designed, delivered by expert instructors, and seamlessly integrated with LinkedIn profiles to display achieved certifications.




For those seeking degrees, edX provides access to coursework from 160 universities, including prestigious international institutions like Harvard University and Imperial College London. University professors teach over 3,000 courses, with options for certificates, online degrees, and credits applicable to university degrees. Although degrees through edX are a bit pricy, they are still more affordable than traditional in-person education, making edX an excellent choice for higher learning.

Udemy Business



Udemy Business boasts a massive course catalogue of more than 14,000 business-focused courses taught by professional instructors. Users appreciate the integrated course comments, transparent course updates, and high-quality trailers for assessment. While some online learning courses may require individual purchases, Udemy offers tiered options and a longer 30-day money-back guarantee. However, limited support options and inconsistent content quality may be drawbacks to consider.




Coursera focuses on university-level education and has partnered with well-known international companies and renowned learning institutions to deliver high-quality content. This online learning platform offers a wide array of university courses and over a thousand free content videos and certificate programs. Coursera’s standout feature is “Guided Projects”, allowing learners to apply their newly-acquired skills under an instructor’s guidance. If you want job-ready skills or a name-brand university degree, Coursera is a great choice.

No time like the present for online learning

With these prominent online learning platforms – and more – available to anyone with internet access, obtaining new skills has never been easier.

In the era of lifelong learning, staying updated with rapidly evolving technology is crucial. The affordability and flexibility of online courses make them accessible to almost everyone, making learning easy, equitable, and convenient.

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